Because I'm using Arts Based Research in my dissertation and because of my geographical location I take a lot of online art courses in a variety of subjects. I haven't decided what medium really suits my style so I suit my fancy and enroll. (in more courses than I can finish) I justify taking the classes by calling it 'research'. But really, I like taking the courses. I'm captivated by color, texture, and really cool images. I like how art images can tell a story and lead to transformation. In fact, I'd say art is a pretty powerful vehicle for so many things. It is another way of knowing; which I appreciate very much as I don't always find the right words.
The image above is an eco-print! I learned the process yesterday from Galia at Art is Magic and I'm captivated! I love herbalism and I love art and here was an invitation to combine both. There aren't many botanical options in the yard right now; spring is just starting at our elevation. But, I had a lovely bouquet from my husband that was just moving past it's prime. I came up with some great prints on the watercolor paper; the mixed media paper basically disintegrated. Now, I need to add an image of a wood sprite, tree spirit, or one of the Goddesses from the sacred glen.
Art is amazing.