Sweet Dreams
Silk Fiber, Ribbon, Glass Beads
I am quite confident we are witnessing the crumbling of the patriarchy; it isn't pretty. Yet, this invites us to consider another way of existing in our families and communities. We've all heard the importance of taking care of ourselves in order to better take care of others; might there be more to it than that?
Consider for a moment what it might be like if even your simple desires were met. Might it lead to bolder, wilder acts of transformation? The first step is stating what you want; this may take practice but I know you can do it. This, of course, requires that you know what you want. And, of course again, this might take some practice. Women taking action to bring in their own pleasure will impact every single person they come into contact with. In fact, it might just change the entire paradigm we live in. I consider engaging in actions to fulfill our own dreams and desires is activism for a better world. This means you are obligated to bring more pleasure to your life.
Sweet Dreams...