Legendary Life
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I have also committed to several other personal projects and activities for the month of April; all connected to my quest. I learned last week about the attributes of my moon sign as well as what it means to have my south node in the 3rd house and my north node in the 9th house. I learned that my life long sense of the quest was in the stars from the beginning! Although I consider myself a serious spiritual seeker astrology was not something I endeavored to dive into. After a long weekend with the priestess collective on the magical Whidbey Island I feel enamored to do so! Yes, part of the quest. The book, Astrology for Yourself, by Demetra George was recommended. I referenced Demetra's book, Mysteries of the Dark Moon, in my thesis on the Dark Goddess so I imagine her book on astrology ought to be pretty good.
At this same retreat, my interest in the tarot was rekindled. I've always been very drawn to the imagery but never quite connected in a way that 'fit'. I have felt strongly that I would connect if the imagery was my own. So, I have a personal goal to create my own deck at some time. However, I determined that I would do a much better job at this if I had a deep understanding of how to use the cards. Several of my retreat sisters have an expansive knowledge and each have several really cool decks. So, I guess they have justified my purchases! To that end, I've also committed to 21 Days of Tarot through the Daily Om. I'll be adding my revelations throughout the month of April. I've decided to use the Wildwood Tarot for this inquiry. Yesterday, I pulled The Journey card with its message of death, rebirth and letting the bones be laid bare. Okay - let's just start with the serious, shall we?
Coincidently, (if you believe in that) I started a one month trial membership to Marcella Friel's Women, Food, and Forgiveness. My relationship to my body and food is intensely personal and serves as a significant burden. Over the last few weeks I am understanding that the journey I am on is about healing. This, of course, comes after the revelation that my dissertation topic needs to shift to that of healing women through Goddess Consciousness and the Creative Arts.
So, for the month of April I will do my best to post daily about the ongoing inquiry and the never ending quest.